Source code for

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# regarding copyright ownership.
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The STAR (Spliced Transcripts Alignment to a Reference) alignment tool is widely used
in genomics research for aligning RNA-seq data to a reference genome.
Dobin A, Davis CA, Schlesinger F, et al. STAR: ultrafast universal RNA-seq aligner.
Bioinformatics. 2013;29(1):15-21. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/bts635

__all__ = ["run_star"]

import argparse
import logging
import logging.config
import gzip
import math
import multiprocessing
from pathlib import Path
import random
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
from typing import List

from import (

[docs]def run_star( genome_file: Path, output_dir: Path, short_read_fastq_dir: Path, delete_pre_trim_fastq: bool = False, trim_fastq: bool = False, max_reads_per_sample: int = 0, max_intron_length: int = 100000, num_threads: int = 1, star_bin: Path = Path("star"), samtools_bin: Path = Path("samtools"), trim_galore_bin: Path = Path("trim_galore"), ) -> None: """ Run STAR alignment on list of short read data. :param genome_file: Genome file path. :type genome_file: Path :param output_dir: Working directory path. :type output_dir: Path :param short_read_fastq_dir: Short read directory path. :type short_read_fastq_dir: Path :param delete_pre_trim_fastq: Delete the original fastq files after trimming. Defaults to False. :type delete_pre_trim_fastq: boolean, default False :param trim_fastq: Trim short read files using TrimGalore. Defaults to False. :type trim_fastq: boolean, default False :param max_reads_per_sample: Max number of reads per sample. Defaults to 0 (unlimited). :type max_reads_per_sample: int, default 0 :param max_intron_length: The maximum intron size for alignments. Defaults to 100000. :type max_intron_length: int, default 100000 :param num_threads: Number of available threads. :type num_threads: int, default 1 :param star_bin: Software path. :type star_bin: Path, default star :param samtools_bin: Software path. :type samtools_bin: Path,default samtools :param trim_galore_bin: Software path. :type trim_galore_bin: Path, default trim_galore :return: None :rtype: None """ check_exe(star_bin) # If trimming has been enabled then switch the path for # short_read_fastq_dir from the original location to the trimmed fastq dir if trim_fastq: run_trimming(output_dir, short_read_fastq_dir, delete_pre_trim_fastq, num_threads, trim_galore_bin) short_read_fastq_dir = output_dir / "trim_galore_output" # if not os.path.exists(subsample_script_path): # subsample_script_path = "" star_dir = create_dir(output_dir, "star_output") for output_file in [ Path(f"{output_dir}/stringtie_output/annotation.gtf"), Path(f"{output_dir}/scallop_output/annotation.gtf"), ]: if output_file.exists(): transcript_count = check_gtf_content(output_file, "transcript") # check a gtf if transcript_count > 0:"Transcriptomic alignment exists") return star_index_file = star_dir / "SAindex" fastq_file_list = [] file_types = ("*.fastq", "*.fq", "*.fastq.gz", "*.fq.gz") fastq_file_list = [ path for file_type in file_types for path in Path(short_read_fastq_dir).rglob(file_type) ] if len(fastq_file_list) == 0: raise IndexError(f"The list of fastq files is empty. Fastq dir:\n{short_read_fastq_dir}") # for file_type in file_types: # fastq_file_list.extend(glob.glob(os.path.join(short_read_fastq_dir, file_type))) # Get list of paired paths fastq_file_list = _create_paired_paths(fastq_file_list) # Subsamples in parallel if there's a value set if max_reads_per_sample: subsample_transcriptomic_data(fastq_file_list) # Get the list of the new subsampled files fastq_file_list = [ path for file_type in file_types for path in Path(short_read_fastq_dir).rglob(file_type) ] # I don't think is needed # fastq_file_list = check_for_fastq_subsamples(fastq_file_list) if not star_index_file.exists():"Did not find an index file for Star. Will create now") seq_region_to_length = get_seq_region_length(genome_file, 0) genome_size = sum(seq_region_to_length.values()) # This calculates the base-2 logarithm of the genome_size. The logarithm of the genome size is # a measure of how many bits are needed to represent the genome size in binary. # # The choice of 14 as the maximum value is likely based on empirical observations and optimization # considerations. Too large of a seed length can lead to increased memory usage and potentially # slower indexing, while a seed length that is too small might affect alignment accuracy. index_bases = min(14, math.floor((math.log(genome_size, 2) / 2) - 1)) try: # pylint:disable=subprocess-run-check [ str(star_bin), "--runThreadN", str(num_threads), "--runMode", "genomeGenerate", "--outFileNamePrefix", f"{star_dir}/", "--genomeDir", str(star_dir), "--genomeSAindexNbases", str(index_bases), "--genomeFastaFiles", str(genome_file), ] ) except Exception as e:#pylint:disable=broad-exception-caught logging.error("An error occurred while creating star index: %s", e)"Running Star on the files in the fastq dir") for fastq_file in fastq_file_list: # # fastq_file_name = os.path.basename(fastq_file_path) star_tmp_dir = star_dir / "tmp" if star_tmp_dir.exists(): shutil.rmtree(star_tmp_dir) sam_file = Path(f"{star_dir}/{}.sam") junctions_file = Path(f"{star_dir}/{}") sam_file_name = sam_temp_file = Path(f"{star_dir}/{sam_file_name}.tmp") bam_file = re.sub(".sam", ".bam", sam_file_name) bam_sort_file = Path(f"{star_dir}/{bam_file}") log_out_file = Path(f"{star_dir}/{}") if log_out_file.exists() and bam_sort_file.exists() and bam_sort_file.stat().st_size != 0: "Found an existing bam file for the fastq file, \ presuming the file has been processed, will skip" ) continue"Processing %s", fastq_file) star_command = [ str(star_bin), "--outFilterIntronMotifs", "RemoveNoncanonicalUnannotated", "--outSAMstrandField", "intronMotif", "--runThreadN", str(num_threads), "--twopassMode", "Basic", "--runMode", "alignReads", "--genomeDir", str(star_dir), "--readFilesIn", str(fastq_file), "--outFileNamePrefix", f"{star_dir}/", "--outTmpDir", str(star_tmp_dir), "--outSAMtype", "SAM", "--alignIntronMax", str(max_intron_length), ] #'--outSJfilterIntronMaxVsReadN','5000','10000','25000','40000', #'50000','50000','50000','50000','50000','100000'] # check_compression =".gz$", fastq_file) if fastq_file.suffix.endswith(".gz"): star_command.append("--readFilesCommand") star_command.append("gunzip") star_command.append("-c") # pylint:disable=subprocess-run-check shutil.move(Path(f"{star_dir}/Aligned.out.sam"), sam_file) shutil.move(Path(f"{star_dir}/"), junctions_file)"Converting samfile into sorted bam file. Bam file: %s", bam_file) # pylint:disable=subprocess-run-check [ str(samtools_bin), "sort", "-@", str(num_threads), "-T", str(sam_temp_file), "-o", str(bam_sort_file), str(sam_file), ] ) shutil.move(star_dir / "", log_out_file) sam_file.unlink()"Completed running STAR")
def _create_paired_paths(fastq_file_paths: List) -> List[Path]: """ Create list of paired transcriptomic fastq files Args: fastq_file_paths (List): List of transcriptomic file paths. Returns: List: List of paired transcriptomic files """ path_dict = {} # final_list = [] for fastq_file in fastq_file_paths: paired_name ="(.+)_\d+\.(fastq|fq)", str(fastq_file)) if not paired_name: logging.exception( "Could not find _1 or _2 at the end of the prefix \ for file. Assuming file is not paired: %s", fastq_file, ) # final_list.append([fastq_file]) path_dict[fastq_file] = [fastq_file] continue run_accession = if run_accession in path_dict: path_dict[run_accession].append(fastq_file) else: path_dict[run_accession] = [fastq_file] # for pair in path_dict: # final_list.append(path_dict[pair])[value for values_list in path_dict.values() for value in values_list]) return [value for values_list in path_dict.values() for value in values_list] # pylint:disable=pointless-string-statement """ For an advanced and optimised subsampling we could use """ def _subsample_paired_fastq_files( fastq_files: List[Path], subsample_read_limit: int = 100000000, num_threads: int = 2, compressed: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Perform subsampling on two paired FastQ files in parallel using multiple threads. Args: fastq_files : Path for paired fastq files. output_files : Path for the output file. subsample_read_limit : Subsample size, defaults to 100000000. num_threads : Number of threads, defaults to 2. compressed : file compressed, defaults to False. """ if len(fastq_files) == 2: fastq_file_1, fastq_file_2 = fastq_files output_file_1, output_file_2 = [Path(f"{fastq_file_1}.sub"), Path(f"{fastq_file_2}.sub")] elif len(fastq_files) == 1: fastq_file_1 = fastq_files[0] output_file_1 = Path(f"{fastq_file_1}.sub") else: raise FileNotFoundError("No fastq file found") if fastq_file_1.suffix.endswith(".gz$"): compressed = True num_lines = sum(1 for line in # pylint:disable=consider-using-with else: num_lines = sum(1 for line in open(fastq_file_1)) # pylint:disable=consider-using-with range_limit = int(num_lines / 4) if range_limit <= subsample_read_limit: "Number of reads (%s is less than the max allowed read count (%s), \ no need to subsample", str(range_limit), str(subsample_read_limit), ) return rand_list = random.sample(range(0, range_limit - 1), subsample_read_limit) random_indices = {idx * 4: 1 for idx in rand_list}"Processing paired files in parallel") pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(num_threads)) # pylint:disable=consider-using-with pool.apply_async( _subsample_fastq_subset, args=( fastq_file_1, output_file_1, random_indices, compressed, ), ) pool.apply_async( _subsample_fastq_subset, args=( fastq_file_2, output_file_2, random_indices, compressed, ), ) pool.close() pool.join() def _subsample_fastq_subset( fastq_file: Path, output_file: Path, random_indices: dict, compressed: bool ) -> None: """ Selecting specific sets of four lines from an input FastQ file and writing them to an output file. Args: fastq_file : Path for the fastq file. output_file : Path for the output file. random_indices : set of random indices. compressed : the files is compressed """ line_index = 0 with, "rt") if compressed else open(fastq_file) as file_in, open( output_file, "w+" ) as file_out: lines = [file_in.readline() for _ in range(4)] while lines[3]: # This ensures that the loop continues until the end of the input file. if line_index in random_indices: file_out.writelines(lines) line_index += 4 lines = [file_in.readline() for _ in range(4)] def subsample_transcriptomic_data(fastq_file_list: List, num_threads: int = 2) -> None: """ Subsample paired fastq files. Args: fastq_file_list : List of fastq file path to process. num_threads : number of threads """ for fastq_files in fastq_file_list: fastq_file_1, fastq_file_2 = fastq_files # fastq_file_pair = "" # if len(fastq_files) == 2: # fastq_file_pair = fastq_files[1] if len(fastq_files) == 1: fastq_file_1 = fastq_files[0] if Path(f"{fastq_file_1}.sub").exists(): "Found an existing .sub file on the fastq path, will use that instead. File:%s.sub", fastq_file_1, ) else: _subsample_paired_fastq_files(fastq_files, compressed=True, num_threads=num_threads) elif len(fastq_files) == 2: fastq_file_1, fastq_file_2 = fastq_files if Path(f"{fastq_file_1}.sub").exists() and Path(f"{fastq_file_2}.sub").exists(): "Found an existing .sub files on the fastq path for both members of the pair, will use \ those instead of subsampling again. Files: %s.sub,%s.sub", fastq_file_1, fastq_file_2, ) elif Path(f"{fastq_file_2}.sub").exists(): _subsample_paired_fastq_files(fastq_files, compressed=True, num_threads=num_threads) def run_trimming( output_dir: Path, short_read_fastq_dir: Path, delete_pre_trim_fastq: bool = False, num_threads: int = 1, trim_galore_bin="trim_galore", ) -> None: """ Trim list of short read fastq files. Args: output_dir : Working directory path. short_read_fastq_dir : Short read directory path. delete_pre_trim_fastq : Removing original fastq file post trimming. Defaults to False. num_threads : Number of threads. trim_galore_bin : Software path. """ check_exe(trim_galore_bin) trim_dir = create_dir(output_dir, "trim_galore_output") fastq_file_list = [] file_types = ("*.fastq", "*.fq", "*.fastq.gz", "*.fq.gz") fastq_file_list = [ path for file_type in file_types for path in Path(short_read_fastq_dir).rglob(file_type) ] fastq_file_list = _create_paired_paths(fastq_file_list) trim_galore_cmd = [ str(trim_galore_bin), "--illumina", "--quality", "20", "--length", "50", "--output_dir", str(trim_dir), ] pool = multiprocessing.Pool(int(num_threads)) # pylint:disable=consider-using-with for fastq_file in fastq_file_list: if delete_pre_trim_fastq: fastq_file.unlink() pool.apply_async( multiprocess_trim_galore, args=( trim_galore_cmd, fastq_file, trim_dir, ), ) pool.close() pool.join() trimmed_fastq_list = trim_dir.glob("*.fq.gz") for trimmed_fastq_path in trimmed_fastq_list:"Trimmed file path: %s", str(trimmed_fastq_path)) sub_patterns = re.compile(r"|".join(("_val_1.fq", "_val_2.fq", "_trimmed.fq"))) updated_file_path_name = sub_patterns.sub(".fq", updated_file_path = short_read_fastq_dir / updated_file_path_name"Updated file path: %s", str(updated_file_path)) trimmed_fastq_path.rename(updated_file_path) files_to_delete_list: List[Path] = [] for file_type in file_types: files_to_delete_list.extend(short_read_fastq_dir.glob(file_type)) for file_to_delete in files_to_delete_list: file_to_delete.unlink() def multiprocess_trim_galore(trim_galore_cmd: List, fastq_paired_files: List[Path]) -> None: """ Trim short paired or single short read fastq file. Args: trim_galore_cmd : Generic command. fastq_paired_files : List of single or paired fastq files. """ fastq_file = fastq_paired_files[0] fastq_file_pair = None if len(fastq_paired_files) == 2: fastq_file, fastq_file_pair = fastq_paired_files trim_galore_cmd.append("--paired") trim_galore_cmd.append(fastq_file) trim_galore_cmd.append(fastq_file_pair) elif len(fastq_paired_files) == 1: trim_galore_cmd.append(fastq_paired_files)"Running Trim Galore with the following command: %s", {" ".join(trim_galore_cmd)}), check=True) def parse_args(): """Parse command line arguments.""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="STAR's arguments") parser.add_argument("--genome_file", required=True, help="Genome file path") parser.add_argument("--output_dir", required=True, help="Output directory path") parser.add_argument("--short_read_fastq_dir", required=True, help="Short read directory path") parser.add_argument( "--delete_pre_trim_fastq", action="store_true", default=False, help="Delete the original fastq files after trimming", ) parser.add_argument( "--trim_fastq", action="store_true", default=False, help="Trim the short read files using Trim Galore" ) parser.add_argument( "--max_reads_per_sample", type=int, default=0, help="The maximum number of reads to use per sample" ) parser.add_argument( "--max_intron_length", type=int, default=100000, help="The maximum intron size for alignments" ) parser.add_argument("--num_threads", type=int, default=1, help="Number of threads") parser.add_argument("--star_bin", default="STAR", help="Star software path") parser.add_argument("--samtools_bin", default="samtools", help="Samtools software path") parser.add_argument("--trim_galore_bin", default="trim_galore", help="Trim Galore software path") return parser.parse_args() def main(): """STAR's entry-point.""" args = parse_args() log_file_path = create_dir(args.output_dir, "log") / "star.log" loginipath = Path(__file__).parents[6] / "conf" / "logging.conf" logging.config.fileConfig( loginipath, defaults={"logfilename": str(log_file_path)}, disable_existing_loggers=False, ) run_star( args.genome_file, args.output_dir, args.short_read_fastq_dir, args.delete_pre_trim_fastq, args.trim_fastq, args.max_reads_per_sample, args.max_intron_length, args.num_threads, args.star_bin, args.samtools_bin, args.trim_galore_bin, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main() # pylint:disable=pointless-string-statement """ def model_builder(work_dir): star_output_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, "star_output") all_junctions_file = os.path.join(star_output_dir, "") sjf_out = open(all_junctions_file, "w+") for sj_tab_file in glob.glob(input_dir + "/*"): sjf_in = open(sj_tab_file) sjf_lines = sjf_in.readlines() for line in sjf_lines: elements = line.split("\t") strand = "+" # my $slice_name = $eles[0]; # my $start = $eles[1]; # my $end = $eles[2]; # my $strand = $eles[3]; # If the strand is undefined then skip, Augustus expects a strand if elements[3] == "0": continue elif elements[3] == "2": strand = "-" junction_length = int(elements[2]) - int(elements[1]) + 1 if junction_length < 100: continue if not elements[4] and elements[7] < 10: continue # For the moment treat multimapping and single # mapping things as a combined score score = float(elements[6]) + float(elements[7]) score = str(score) output_line = [ elements[0], "RNASEQ", "intron", elements[1], elements[2], score, strand, ".", ("src=W;mul=" + score + ";"), ] sjf_out.write("\t".join(output_line) + "\n") sjf_out.close() """